Walkers Watchers is an interactive 3D-projection of an oil–on-canvas landscape Al Wadi (c. 1981-83), where select elements are reimagined as virtual reproductions then located in relation to Qusayr Amra, the Umayyad castle also identified in the original painting. The projection was realized by simulating a three-dimensional space of the landscape, taking as a source the publicly available architectural drawings and geographical data on the castle.

Walkers Watchers is part of G44 Digital.

Exhibition curators: Toleen Touq and Lillian O’Brien Davis.
Web platform design: Matt Nish-Lapidus.
3D map projection: Andre Markovic.

Additional Readings:

Exhibition essay by Toleen Touq & Lillian O’Brien Davis [PDF].
Essay by Tammer El-Sheikh.

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